Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hooper Update!!!!!

I know what you all are thinking..... ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!

Well, we have been quite busy lately with family and a few things here around the house. It's officially Winter with the 3 days of falling snow we have had and keeping inside as much as we can.
We have been having fun with a little water leak under the house and a pipe blockage out in the yard. I believe after about 3 weeks and possibly even more that we figured out what was really going on. We sure are thankful to have running water back in the house. Dad even jimmy rigged the washer to a pipe that led outside so I could still do laundry. Elaine and Steve were gracious with the use of restrooms when it was absolutely needed.... Anyway, its all fixed (we say that keeping our fingers crossed) and we couldn't be happier.

Jessica and Lili came and visited during Thanksgiving and that was so fun to see both. That was the first we had seen Lili and she is the cutest thing. I don't think the visit lasted long enough but we will see them again soon.

Lots of Family was here during Thanksgiving and as always its fun to see everyone and to see how much the little ones have grown..they sure grow up fast.

We are now in the hibernating state of winter and hope it goes by fast so we can enjoy some warm weather again.
Posting sooner next time...I hope :)

1 comment:

Teri said...

Oh, it's so good to hear from you! I am glad you have such kind neighbors to help you out when you are in trouble (he he he). Brandon is about done with this semester and then we'll have some good family time! We are excited that we are only 1 year and a semester away from being done!!!!
Meili is growing fast and learning so much. Noah is still the stinker that he is but he loves him Mama!! The Baby seems to be doing alright. I can feel him/her moving inside me-it's getting to the fun part of the pregnancy. Since Brandon named the first two kids he's letting me name this on. So far I am satisfied with Joseph if we have a son and KatLynn, Jordain, Samantha, well, the i'm having a hard time with the girl names. But we still have quit a long time before we have to decide.
Well, I hope you guys are in good health and I am so grateful to hear from you-we miss you guys all the time and are just glad to hear you have lots of family around to share the holidays with.
Love you